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首頁 >產品目錄>廠牌分類 > 廠牌分類 > 黏度計 > 落球式粘度計>VISCO BALL 落球式黏度計
產品名稱 / VISCO BALL 落球式黏度計
產品規格 /

Mineral oil industry (oils, liquid hydrocarbons)

1.        Food industry (sugar solution, honey, beer, milk, gelatine, fruit juice)

2.        Chemical industry (polymer solutions, solvents, resin solutions, latex dispersions, adhesive solutions)

3.        Cosmetic/Pharmaceutical industry (raw materials, glycerine, emulsions, suspensions, solutions, extracts)

4.        Petroleum industry (light crude, machine oil, crude petroleum)

5.        Fuels (petrol, diesel oil, paraffin)

6.        Paper industry (emulsions, pigment dispersion, paper additives)

7.        Paints and varnishes (printing inks, varnishes, water lacquers, inks)

8.        Detergents (liquid washing agents, washing-up liquids, tenside solutions)


1.        High accuracy through improved visibility of falling ball.

2.        Easy to operate

3.        Minimized test time due to accurate return run of the ball.

4.        No external influences on the sample as it is hermetically sealed in a tube during the measurement.

5.        Different measuring range depending on ball diameters.

Technical date

 viscosity range

 0.5-105 mPa.s

 Temperature range

 -20 up to +120


 Better than 0.5%


 Better than 1%


 Balls 1,2 and G, Borosilicate glass

 Balls 3 and 4, Nickel iron alloy

 Balls 5 and 6, Stainless steel



Measuring range

 Ball n°

 Measurement range (mPa.s)


 0.6 to 10


 7 to 130


 30 to 700


 200 to 4,800


 1,500 to 45,000



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